The rationale for selecting the specific article

Customer relationship management is the most essential part of business in this modern earn. CRM helps building the long term relationship with the customers through customer’s services. Each business organizations try their best to retain and satisfy the customers. In order to exam the customer relation management of a particular organization, I have selected the article related to to exam the role of customer relation management. The is an Indian company which provide an online platform to buy online different products related to home decorated. This company provides their services mostly for furniture and home decorates.

The critique on problems/concerns/solutions discussed in the article:

In this modern era almost every type of business is being done the internet. Selling and buying of different products at the domestic, national and international level is being done through internet using different platforms. There are number of web site based platforms which are providing highly quality products and services to their customers, these product and services included business to business, business to customers and customers to customers. According to analysist that Indian online market size at the end of 2024 will be around 18.2 billion dollars.

Pepperfry.comis one of the biggest platform which have more than 1000 merchants across the India who offer their designs to customer. It has a fleet around 400 vehicles which delivers the products to customers. In every 25 seconds there is an order to deliver the products in around 1000 cities of the country. Though company has huge fleet and having more than 1000 merchants but still there are different obstacles company has to face or have to overcome the customer relationship management. The size of come or operation of the company is practically operational in only 10 cities of the country. India is one of the biggest country in the world. The customer relationship management has to work on building the trust on online buying and selling of products. Out of so many big and metropolitan cities only ten cities are being covered through online platform is not a big achievement by the management including customer relationship management.

India is a big country having more than 1 billion populations and yet only 10 cities are being operational. This shows that people are reluctant to buy online products. If once the trust of the customers is achieved by offering online product and services through using the customer relationship management, then company can be one of the biggest company at the glob which have higher market capitalization and share.

The proposed solutions to the problem motioned in the article:

  • As people or customer in the country are reluctant in order to purchase the online products, then company should change their strategy to focusing on online trading to physical engagement.
  • Company should open new outlets in those arears or cities where company has more returns or order in order to build more strong relationship by physical examining the real products and different designs.
  • Through this exercise the relationship between the company and customers will be stronger and stronger. Once the company got the confidence of the customers by using both physical and virtual platforms than company will increase its turnover every year with market size as well.
  • All these objectives can’t be achieved with customer relationship management.
  • The outlets of company must have experience who can guide their customers for better execution of their requirements.

The lesson learned from the article:

Customer relationship management has the vital role for the development and enhancing the good will of the company in the market. The CRM has played a vital role for execution of different orders placed by the customers. CRM helps customers at all stages to take the decision about availing the services of the company. CRM guides customers at pre level and post level decision making in the favor of the company.

Comments on the strength and weakness of the article:

This article provides a comprehensive and in-depth oversight about the role and concepts of customer relationship management.In this article information regarding understanding the core concept of CRM is easily understandable. The role of CRM in the development or trust building can be easily traced in this article. On the other hand, side, the weakness of this article that it does not have information about the overall financial impact on the company by using the role of customer relationship management.

The comprehensive critique of the article:

This article does not have information particularly about the financial improvement due to customer relationship management role. In this article one only aspect of using customer relationship management is defined. I did not found any information about how company build customer relationship management unit or department and what was their most focused area.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is used to assess the internal strength and weakness along with external opportunity and threats. SWOT analysis of is followed.


  • More than 1000 Merchants
  • Multiple Designs and Products
  • Operation fleet consisted around 400 vehicles
  • Massive Marketing


  • Lack of awareness
  • Lack of public trust online products
  • Take huge time to execute an order


  • India has huge population which turns into big market
  • Expansion on global level due virtual platform
  • Expand operation of the business more than 10 cities
  • Get more merchant throughout the India


  • Operational business activities restricted to only 10 cities
  • Online security and confidentiality issues
  • 18 per cent have access to the Internet


In this case study, learn the role of customer relationship management. The CRM is strength of the business if it works in the best interest of the company. CRM increase the good will of the company through satisfying the expected expectations of the customers.


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